Physiotherapist near me for vertigo caused due to long term use of mobile earphones

With facilities, also come responsibilities.

Earphones are such a facility.

Compulsive or habitual overuse of earplugs is gradually being realized to cause vertigo in the following situations, in the increasing order of severity of one’s suffering:

1. When head is turned in right, left, forward or backward position. 
2. When head is turned when changing sides in lying.
3. When getting up from lying position.
4. When getting up from a squatting position on the floor
5. When sitting or lying from standing position
6. When lying from sitting or standing position and closing eyes.

Use of these hearing accessories in mobiles, laptops and computers is leading to low intensity, sustained and regular bombardment of sound energy, on the inner components of one’s ears.

The design of ears plays a crucial role in maintaining a person’s physical balance during transition of postures as well as during prolonged activities in any posture.

The continuous use of earplugs deranges this function, leading to the experience of vertigo, when the position of head is changed during day to day activities.

Vestibular rehabilitation program is a worldwide established regime of detailed assessment and well monitored therapeutic sessions by a physiotherapist, to resolve the issue.

Private practicing licensed Physiotherapists nearby, might also be offering this service.

Check the availability and book a clinic, home or online Physiotherapy assessment appointment for positional vertigo, on the indiawide website of Sugar Den, The Physiotherapy Clinic, which is based at Janakpuri, in West Delhi.